With the luxury of the modern internet, we can simply search for any type of questions we may have. But, be careful because not everything you read on the internet is true. In fact, it's probably a good practice to doubt it first and dig a little deeper to find more answers from several different sources.
So we looked at 8 Skincare Myths that are floating around on the internet and created a list of why they aren’t true incl. sources which you are welcome to check out for yourself. Here at Sanbe Beauty, we are keen on educating our customers/followers with true facts, there is no better reward in setting things straight so you don’t have to question it.
8 Skincare myths TO BE BUSTED
1. 70% Of Your Skincare Ends In Your Bloodstream
The truth is that you can’t really put a figure on how much skincare ends up in your bloodstream.
Meaning that 0-100% of what you put on your skin can end up in your bloodstream. However, it depends on the ingredient used, the delivery mechanism, the overall health of your skin, and the environment (temp./humidity condition) you are exposed to.
For example: Carrier oils only penetrate into the very top layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum), while essential oils can penetrate into your bloodstream. Although some of this happens through inhalation.
2. It takes 26 seconds for skincare to reach your bloodstream
Just as we covered in our first myth, the same principals apply to this myth. It is impossible to put a time on how long it takes for an ingredient to reach your bloodstream.
This can differ depending on the ingredient, the size of the molecules within your ingredients, and where the skincare was applied on the body.
For example: Multivitamin patches are placed directly on the skin, and will slowly release the pharmaceuticals to the bloodstream over a period of time, but even those don’t work within 26 sec.
Source: https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bph.13059
3. Most conventional skincare is loaded with synthetic chemicals
There are many synthetic ingredients in conventional skincare, that is a fact. This is because they are cheaper and easier to manufacture in a lab. The majority of conventional skincare products are not only that, they are also mainly made of water.

To just name a few; lotions, creams, shampoo, conditioner, cleanser, and toners are all made with water. The only benefit you will receive is hydration, there is no synthetic ingredient that can boost your skin like an active plant based ingredient does (which can have hundreds of compounds).
4. If you avoid synthetics in your skincare, you avoid them altogether
Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that. Synthetics are everywhere, many preservatives are synthetic, and they have been used in the food industry for decades.
Paraben for instance is one of them ( E-numbers on labels ), this ingredient is added to deodorants, toothpastes, shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and makeups, among other products, to stop the growth of fungus, bacteria and other potentially damaging microbes.
Researchers have also found that over 90 percent of typical grocery items contain measurable amounts of parabens, which is why even those who steer clear of potentially harmful personal care products also carry parabens around in their bloodstreams.
5. Natural skincare is chemical-free
When the term chemical-free is used, it is often misunderstood. Air, water, food, the dishes we eat from are basically all made of chemicals.
What people refer to when claiming to have a chemical-free product, is that it does not contain any synthetic ingredients.
But remember that natural does not always mean safe.
6. Preservatives are dangerous
Among preservatives, parabens are considered as a class of endocrine disruptors, especially propylparaben and butylparaben. Many studies observed that parabens were able to chemically imitate the oestrogenic activity leading to adverse health outcomes.
However, all preservatives serve a very important purpose - they stop bacteria, fungus, and yeast from growing in your skincare. Unpreserved skincare can cause skin irritation, blindness, and even death.
On a positive note, there are plenty of high-performing broad spectrum natural preservatives (we are not talking about vitamin E or essential oils) that can be use in organic skincare which is exactly what you will find in our products.
7. Mineral oil prevents your skin from breathing
Can our skin breath? No, it is an organ that absorbs and eliminates.
Mineral oils and waxes contain large molecules which will build an outer layer on top of the skin, also called occlusive layer.
Yet carrier oils (plant oils) create this occlusive layer as well, they however are a bit different in size (smaller molecules), and similar in composition to the lipids (oils) on our skin, which allows them to be metabolized easier by our body.
8. What I eat does not Affect my skin
Diet alone won’t solve skin problems, but research shows that some conditions can be greatly improved by good nutrition.
Drinking water is one of the healthiest habits you can have for your skin and your entire body. When you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you are providing your inner organs and your skin—the largest organ of your body—with moisture that has been lost through sweat and other natural processes.
For instance: Your diet can trigger acne flare-ups. Eliminating processed breads and snacks, as well as sugary drinks, may help.
References and Further Reading
Cal, K. 2006. Skin penetration of terpenes from essential oils and topical vehicles. Planta Med. 2006 Mar;72(4):311-6.
Förster, M., Bolzinger, M., Fessi, H., Briançon, S. 2009. Topical delivery of cosmetics and drugs. Molecular aspects of percutaneous absorption and delivery. Eur J. Dermatol. 2009; 19 (4): 309-323.
Hotchkiss, S. 1994. How thin is your skin?: Skin seemed like such a good way of keeping the outside world at bay until toxicologists started to worry about the harmful chemicals that breach the barrier. New Scientist.
Personal Care Truth, 2011 – The Impermeable Facts of Skin Penetration and Absorption http://personalcaretruth.com/2011/01/the-impermeable-facts-of-skin-penetration-and-absorption/
WHO (World Health Organization), 2006. Dermal Absorption.http://www.who.int/ipcs/features/2006/ehc235/en/
J Prev Med Hyg. 2019 Mar 29; Skin safety and health prevention. eCollection 2019 Mar.
Toxicol Lett. 2017 Oct 5 - Review of data on the dermal penetration of mineral oils and waxes used in cosmetic applications